A byte with all bits set to 0, called the null character, shall exist in the basic execution character set

It is used to terminate a character string literal - the ANSI C standard

Code of conduct (or house rules)

This is my personal website. I design and develop it how I want. I also choose what to publish here, meaning I write when and about what I want.
I admit this might sound rude - but it's more like a way of setting expectations.


In any interaction, any content or behavior of the following kind is unacceptable: pornographic, bigoted, racist, rude, attacking, intimidating, harassing, disruptive, offensive, spam, defamatory, obscene, infringing or other unlawful material. Aaand flattery (yes, flattery).

This isn't a complete list. It's so you understand the vibe here.
You know what being a jerk is; don't be one. The common folks are helpful, accepting, friendly, accommodating and aware of the fact that the web, and the world, is a big place with room for all of us.

Who decides what is unacceptable?

I do. There may be some subjectivity to these calls, but I want to keep this site on the safe and comfortable side of the internet.
I'm also going to lean on the side of someone telling me they are offended or being made uncomfortable.

But again, ultimately it's my call.
Remember: you don't get to decide how other people feel about your actions, they do.

Hopefully I'll catch anything unacceptable (like a rude comment) and delete it before it's ever published. If one slips through, let me know.

I understand that everyone makes mistakes, has bad days, and has learning to do when it comes to this stuff. I'm not going to ban or block anyone for one occurrence. Unless it's especially egregious (my call).

A common sense rule is to don't say anything online that you wouldn't say in person.


Some articles or pages will accept a comment from you. Meaning you will see a comment form at the end of it and you will be able to say your oppinion on the matter.

Think of it like writing a letter to an editor. All submitted comments will be read (I promise), but not all published. Published comments will be on-topic, helpful, and further the discussion or debate.

Be aware of how your comments might be read: strong language, capital letters, and exclamation marks can be easily misinterpreted online. In the real world we have the addition of body language, tone of voice and facial expressions to help us understand what someone has said.
We also have the opportunity to re-phrase what we say if we're misunderstood in the offline world.
When you are online, these are missing.
Think; if you were to receive this comment how would you have felt?

Be careful with humour and sarcasm. It's always great to share jokes and it's important to be yourself online and let your personality shine through. However, not everything is always clear online and sometimes people might not realise you are joking.

Often people rely on emojis or text speak to help show they are not being serious, but it isn't guaranteed other people will understand this. Reread what you have written and think; will everyone get the joke?

If you see a comment you feel isn't in-line with this Code of Conduct, please let me know and I'll deal with it.
If you need a comment of your own edited or removed, likewise, get in touch. I will never reveal the email address or any personal details of a published comment other than the name you post it under.

.. and last but not least

I know there's a tendency to peruse, inspect and check a web developer's website and do some armchair diagnosis of what's right and wrong with it.
I'll be flattered that you were "inspired" by anything I've created here and I welcome all constructive feedback or criticism, but if you really want to troll me, you should do it on your own website.