A byte with all bits set to 0, called the null character, shall exist in the basic execution character set

It is used to terminate a character string literal - the ANSI C standard


cip-03 - my first computer

That was my first computer.

About the site

0x00.ro is a personal website focused on technology (mostly programming or web development).

You can also find posts about service/product reviews, computer-related tips/tricks, practical suggestions, honest viewpoints, work related stuff, things I stumble upon or ‥ random internet awesomeness :)

This is also a playground. My playground. A place to experiment because I'm an avid learner and I like to stay at the top of my game.
And because of that, things might break here, from time to time :)

The name (0x00) cames from a long time ago, while in highschool and studying the C++ lang, I had difficulties and eventually failed a test because I couldn't interpret a compiler message about the 0x00 value not being typed and the null pointer. And it sticked with me since then.

About the human (tl;dr)

I'm Mihai, real life AI, programmer, "purveyor" of fine software, chief bug creator, bean counter extraordinaire and, sometimes, private dancer.

About the human (long version)

Indoor enthusiast, a pragmatic solution-finder, tea drinker (although I do like my coffe — black, no sugar — from time to time), wannabe carpenter, avid learner (programming, self improvement), stoic, my current superpower is assembling IKEA furniture

What I do

I'm a full stack developer (I build things on the internet, lol!), as kids these day tend to say. I have over 15 years of professional programming experience and I still love it. Meaning I still like to code.
It gives me pleasure, I'm still passionate about what I do and I feel stisfaction when I create things.

I'm working with PHP, JavaScript and SQL. Mostly.
Didn't liked C or C++, don't know why, maybe because it was in highschool.
While in college I learned java but I wasn't able to find a job and get hired with just it so I decided to change it for PHP. Never looked back. Still happy about it.

I also like JavaScript. Vanilla. I believe this is a simpler way to do things on the web.

Almost everything I develop is geared towards lightning-fast loading times, resource efficiency, simplicity and, if possible, ease of reading and usability.
As a result, you are currently enjoying a finely-tuned experience regardless of your connection speed or browsing device.

I like my code to be optimised for performance (such buzz-words) and, of course, I'm interested in security. As bulletproof as it can get, but with usability and accesibility in mind, right?

Tools I use



Favorite things and interests

To name just a few, at this moment I'm interested in software architecture, web application performance, vanilla js and development best practices.

Current projects

Not a roadmap but more of a list of things that I want to create in the near future

Thanks for stopping by!