Contact page
I'm glad you want to get in touch with me. While I'm still learning how to receive smoke signals, let's try other ways to answer your questions. Or maybe you can help me. I just hate the idea of missing something from you
Please write to me about
- typos, grammatical errors, or broken links
- honest feedback, constructive criticism and useful link suggestions
- copy-pasted PR or marketing material, or even sending some over might be a good idea; seriously don't :)
- website errors or bugs
- things that only I can help you with
First option
Write me an email as it guarantees a quicker response. The addresss is contact AT my url above.
Second option
The contact form below. I will respond to most queries sent through this form usually within a few hours, but possibly up to two business days. At most. Depending on .. stuff.
Please note that:
- a carbon copy of the message will be sent to the email address you specified above
- by submitting the form you give me consent to process all the data this system will receive and you agree to the privacy policy
Third best option
Record a message. The form will be available soon, I just need to code it real quick.
Generally speaking..
I try to reply to every message, but it's not always possible. If you are expecting a reply, please make sure to check your spam folder, especially if using a 3rd-party service like Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo, etc.
If you find the email in your spam folder, please mark it is as "not spam" to help ensure future correspondence (thank you!).
Please take a moment to write a subject that fits your message best. It helps me a lot in keeping my emails organised.
Because I'm not a social butterfly and I have no social media accounts, your options are limited to this page. Thank you!